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UK Bank Account Validation Services

Safeguard your business and customers from fraud and failed payments with a precise and secure payment system by using Hopewiser bank account validation services.

Our industry-leading UK bank validation services keep your business protected and secure from bank transfer fraud and payment errors with an accurate and secure payment system.

Using the Extended Industry Sort Code Database, you can refine your payment process for quick & accurate verification whilst saving time & money in the process.

But Don’t Just Trust Us…


"Hopewiser, a supplier that is very supportive, re-active and always willing to assist at short notice. They offer a wide range of products and continually keep us in the loop as they grow and widen their product offering. Always a pleasure to work with this supplier."

Eithne LeCornu, Camping and Caravanning Club


Shield Your Business Against Fraudulent Activity

Our UK bank verification services are your shield against bank transfer fraudulent activity and payment errors. Here’s how:


Prevent Bank Fraud

Verify bank account details in real-time to minimise fraud risk and avoid invalid payments.


Reduce Invalid Payments

Validate account numbers and sort codes using our Payment Validation API.


Avoid Unnecessary Spending

Implement easily with no setup or maintenance fees. Prices start from just 3.7p per bank account lookup.


Secure Data Storage

Protect your customers with compliant and robust data processes ensuring secure storage and transfer.


Simplified Account Management

Enjoy user-friendly online tools, one-click bundles, and detailed usage reports.


Streamline Payments

With the Extended Industry Sort Code Database, credit and direct debit payments are quick and accurate, saving time and money.


Multi-Platform Support

Utilise our services via Web App or SOAP API with seamless onboarding for Windows or UNIX.

Validate Your Bank Details With Hopewiser In 3 Ways



  • Maintenance-free with no setup fees.
  • Free CRM integrations, REST API, and JavaScript client.
  • Low-cost pay-per-click bank account validation model.
  • Comprehensive management tool with detailed usage reports and auto-renew.
  • Handy help guides, videos and communication from Hopewiser experts are always a matter of urgency.
  • Secure data transfer and storage.


  • Unlimited lookups and cleanses of data.
  • Cost-effective for large users.
  • Customisable bank validation for an enhanced user experience and to suit every business need.
  • Ideal for sensitive data and compliance with on-site data storage.
  • Compatible with various platforms, including a Developer’s Kit.

Professional Services

  • Expertise from data consultants, product specialists, and integration specialists.
  • Assistance with data projects and integration solutions.
  • Custom services to suit any new or pre-existing CRM for complex requirements, including data consolidation.
  • Identification and rectification of data issues.

What Is Bank Account Validation?

Bank account validation ensures the accuracy and legitimacy of bank account numbers and sort codes provided by customers. It involves cross-referencing the international bank account number (IBAN) against valid accounts in the Extended Industry Sort Code Database (EISCD).

IBAN: This includes up to 34 characters, structured as country code, check digits, bank code, sort code, and UK account number (e.g., GB 12 ABCD 102030 12345678).

BIC Code: Used alongside the IBAN for international payments, the BIC code includes bank code, country code, location code, and an optional branch code.

EISCD: Contains payment-related information for every financial institution participating in the UK’s Bacs, CHAPS, Cheque and Credit Clearing, and Faster Payments schemes.


Why Validate Bank Account Information?

Validating bank account information prevents fraudulent payments and ensures compliance with anti-money laundering regulations and GDPR. It protects your business and customers, improves payment accuracy, and enhances customer trust and peace of mind by ensuring secure transactions.


Bank Validation Benefits

Accurate Bank Account Details

Reduced fraud risk and payment errors

Improved customer service & reputation

Accuracy from reputable financial institutions

Simplified account management

Bank Validation FAQs

Why Should I Use Hopewiser's Bank Validation Services?

The benefits of bank validation are endless as you are protecting not only your business, but the general consumer. Our services are used by businesses across the UK to reduce bank fraud and invalid payments. Available as cloud and software-based, our platforms are tailored to work for you without punishing you for usage. Our team has over 40 years of data cleansing experience and is available to help you with any data project you have.

Is Our Bank Validation Service Secure?

Yes, our bank validation service is highly secure. We use encryption and other security measures to protect the privacy and security of the information that is submitted to our system.

Can Our Bank Validation Service Integrate With My Existing Systems?

Yes, our bank validation service can be easily integrated with your existing systems, such as payment processing or accounting software.

What Does Bank Validation Check For?

Bank validation checks every transaction to ensure the provided details are accurate and legitimate. This is done by cross-referencing the IBAN number (up to 34 characters in the structure of country code, check digits, bank code, sort code and UK account number) against valid accounts held by banks and financial institutions participating in the EISCD.

Is Bank Validation Required To Comply With GDPR?

Similar to contact information, bank details are considered personal data. Therefore, bank validation is a requirement to comply with data protection laws, ensuring both the privacy and security of sensitive customer information.