In line with the Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF) price increase, Hopewiser’s new fees will be effective as of 1st October 2020.
For all purchases via the Hopewiser Portal, you will see PAF costs shown separately on our invoices. In doing so, our customers are fully aware of the prices for different elements of our online services.
Below are some examples of the new price changes to PAF Licences integrated with a Hopewiser solution:
• Single User Licence – was £76 now £78
• Transactions Licence (per 100 clicks) – was £1.35 now £1.39
• Website Licence for full premise PAF – was £5500 now £5650
• Multi User Block Licence (up to 300 users) – was £4560 now £4680
All user-based prices are per annum, whereas the transaction-based prices are for each bundle purchased. Bundles will last for one year from the activation date unless used before then.
Hopewiser can advise you on both existing and upcoming PAF costs, plus ensure your compliance to Royal Mail licensing conditions.
If you require more information about our pricing or our services, please get in touch below: