The Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF) is the definitive source for personal and business postal addresses in the UK. It contains every delivery point in the UK and is being constantly updated. Can also be used with Multiple Residence and Not Yet Built data to give additional postcodes.

Postcode Address File. is the primary reference for all address data in the UK and contains over 1.8 million UK postcodes and over 30 million residential and business addresses. The file is updated nearly 5,000 times a day.

Multiple Residence Data from Royal Mail provides access to self-contained flats, sub-divided houses, apartment blocks, halls of residence, and nursing homes. Lookup and verify over 800,000 additional premises not included in the PAF.

By using Not Yet Built together with Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF), businesses can identify and deliver services to the addresses of properties that are at the planning and construction stage. The additional dataset holds more than 500,000 new homes and offices not yet in PAF.
Whether data cleansing via cloud self-service, software or bureau service, you can be sure your customer data is being cleaned against the most up-to-date and accurate UK data sets. Research our data sources to find out more.
You can cleanse and validate data in three ways with Hopewiser

Simple, fast and accurate online data cleansing tool
Latest sources: PAF, Deceased, Goneaway, MPS and TPS.
User friendly wizard to guide you through.
Free summary report before deciding to pay. Price starts from £30.
Secure by design. Guaranteed secure data transfer and storage.
Cleanse options. Tailor the cleanse with choices on duplicate match types and suppressions.
Adaptable. It works with partial and badly formatted addresses.

No limitations. More cost effective for large data users and high frequency cleansing. More deduplication options.
Increased abilities. Manual data cleansing options. Easy to setup as part of a larger workflow.
More detail. Ability to append additional information such as SIC codes and Grid references.
Ideal for Sensitive Data and Compliance. Data on site.
Works On Many Platforms. Includes a Developer’s Kit. Can be web based or works on Windows, Linux, Unix, AS400 and Mainframe.

Professional Services
Access to data consultants, product specialists, data project management, integration specialists.
Knowledge to assist/run projects to make the most of your data or help you to integrate solutions.
Bespoke service for more complex requirements including consolidation. (Single Source of Truth).
Identify data problems and match the solution to rectify the issue.
Data analysis and enrichment projects.