Hopewiser Optimises Your Data
Our industry-leading data management solution is designed to enhance your business and help you stay one step in front of your competitors at all times. Take your customer data to the next level by utilising data quality assessments, data enrichment, data suppression and end-to-end data support.
Data Quality Assessment
Reduce risk and costs by merging and purging single and multiple datasets against agreed criteria to eliminate duplicate data and inconsistencies.
We use the best suppression dataset providers including MPS and TPS. Improve your data quality and customer privacy protection by removing deceased, gone away or invalid data from your database.
Enrich your customer database with knowledge-driven solutions by adding in missing and additional geographic and SIC code data to increase engagement, reach and data analysis options.
End-to-End Data Services
Our in-house team is on-hand to manage the data so you can utilise the software to its fullest potential without falling short at the first hurdle.
What is Data Optimisation?
Data optimisation is a cleaning process designed to improve the quality of your data by adding in missing fields and removing errors & inconsistencies. This involves conducting data quality assessments with a wide range of datasets to enrich and suppress your existing database.
Why is data optimisation important?
Data optimisation is a key component for businesses and helps maximise efficiency, make informed decisions in line with business goals and comply with GDPR.
By optimising your data, you’ll benefit from a streamlined process that merges and/or removes duplicates automatically, saving endless hours that can be spent on other tasks. A streamlined, automated process, also eliminates human error, which will increase your analysis and reporting accuracy.
You’ll also make more informed decisions that will better shape your business for success; whether it’s understanding your active customers for yearly revenue projections or gaining a greater understanding of your target demographic using geographic data.
Geographic data involves adding postal data to an existing customer address dataset to further analytics and business intelligence, allowing you to understand true demand, conduct market research, perform targeted marketing campaigns, and undergo in-depth business planning.
Adding SIC codes to this data will allow you to classify your clients and prospects, identify key markets and gain insights into what services to deliver.
Data optimisation for GDPR
Data optimisation is also necessary for GDPR compliance, in which customers’ data must be kept accurate, protected and up to date. Conducting data quality checks with high-quality suppression lists such as MPS and TPS ensures you are not holding onto any gone-away data and can comply with GDPR data compliance requirements.
Data Quality Solution Benefits
Maximise business efficiency
Access to large knowledge bases
In-depth understanding of your customers
In-depth knowledge of the target market
Compliance with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
3 Ways to Cleanse & Validate Your Data With Hopewiser
Maintenance Free Address Validation. Updated daily, gain access to UK PAF, Multiple Residence, Eircode and International data.
Free access to easy CRM integrations, Rest API and JavaScript client.
Management tool with free detailed usage reports and auto-renew.
Simple, fast and accurate online data cleansing tool.
Secure-by-design. Guaranteed secure data transfer and storage.
No limitations. Benefit from multiple lookups and cleanses without being punished for usage.
Cost-effective for large users.
Bespoke. Tailor the software to benefit your user experience.
Ideal for Sensitive Data and Compliance. Data on site.
Works on Many Platforms. Includes a Developer’s Kit.
Professional Services
Access to data consultants, product specialists, data project management and integration specialists.
Knowledge to assist/run projects to make the most of your data and help you integrate solutions for you.
Bespoke service for more complex requirements including consolidation. (Single Source of Truth).
Identify data problems and find an easy solution.
Whether data cleansing via cloud self-service or software & bureau service, you can be sure your customer data is being cleaned against the most up-to-date and accurate UK data sets. Click on the abbreviation to find out more.
Accuracy: Our rules-based solutions and services intelligently assess and match each address – that’s why our accuracy is trusted by High Street Banks, Police Forces, and commercial organisations of all sizes.
Support: Support is backed by the specialists that have written much of the software in-house. This means you get access to their expertise and problem-solving capabilities.
Knowledge: We created the first address data software in 1982 and the sheer amount of data we have processed in that time sets us apart from everyone else in the market. So if we do things a little differently from others, it might be because we have information that they don’t.
What are the ways Hopewiser can help with Data Enrichment?
Hopewiser hold a variety of datasets that can be used at the point of contact, so as an address is verified, then further information can be captured immediately, such as standard reference numbers, grid references, SIC codes, building type, allowing for business decisions and internal checks to find duplicates/link data together.
For example geographic data enrichment from our Ordnance Survey data can involve adding postal data or latitude and longitude to an existing dataset that includes customer addresses, thereby enabling location analytics and intelligence. Adding this kind of insight into your data is useful for a number of reasons, such as; targetted marketing campaigns that are right in context and region; business planning, for research and demand e.g., it can be used to site plan for a new store and business forecasting which will enable a business to plan for future supply.
Multiple Residence data which contains over 800,000 additional premises, including self-contained flats, sub-divided houses, halls of residence, and nursing homes can help prevent fraud, ensure your message gets to the right person and reduces failed deliveries and complaints.
Adding SIC codes to organisation data, allows for a range of potentials, from classifying your clients and prospects, identifying key markets, insights into what services to deliver and even what rubbish requirements the organisation has, plus much more.
Alongside this, then these datasets can be used through either bureau or software to keep the information up to date or fill in missing information, given data is always changing.
This allows for data analysis to be done across the whole dataset or multiple datasets to analyse everything. This can be useful when moving databases and merging data.
Hopewiser has always been data agnostic. We work with our clients to understand their data needs and identify specific data sets that will provide the enrichment required.
We are happy to discuss the problems and help identify the right solution for you.
CRM Integrations
Maintaining your customer data with accurate address information will increase productivity and service levels. Click on the logos to find out more.
Ecommerce Integrations
Simplifying your website checkout form with an address and postcode lookup tool will improve the customer experience and ensure correct delivery.
Why should I use Hopewiser for data optimisation?
Hopewiser is a used and trusted data optimiser with businesses across the country using our services. Data optimisation is designed to grant you a wealth of knowledge about your existing customers and target market, whilst fully complying with GDPR at the same time.
Available as cloud and software-based, we tailor our platforms to work for you. Our in-house team has over 40 years of experience in data optimisation and are ready to help you with anything.
What datasets do we use?
Whether data cleansing via cloud self-service or software & bureau service, you can take full advantage of our accurate, advanced & up-to-date datasets including:
GAS – Goneaway Suppression
MPS – Mailing Preference Service
MTS – Mortascreen
NDR – National Deceased Register
RMG – Re-Mover
TBR – The Bereavement Register
DBS – Purifi Suppression
TPS – Telephone Preference Service
CTPS – Corporate TPS
MR – Multiple Residence Data
Mortaliti – Next-Generation Mortality Screening
Fression – Gone-away file – Powered by Zoopla Property Group
What are the different types of data validation?
There are many forms of data validation, all designed to ensure your data is accurate and up-to-date. Some types of data validation include:
Range validation – entered data falls within a specified range or set of values.
Format validation – entered data matches a specified format.
Presence validation – required field is not left blank.
Length validation – entered data does not exceed a specified length.
Consistency validation – entered data is consistent with other data in the system, (such as the birthdate matching the user’s age).
Data type validation – entered data matches the correct data type.
Case Study
A major insurance provider engaged with Hopewiser as their preferred address software provider on one of the largest IT infrastructure projects in the UK. This project involved moving its entire IT infrastructure over to a hosted cloud platform including their address validation.
On completion of the cloud platform, Hopewiser was invited to enter a tender to cleanse the entire book for Motor and Home insurance. The final address record figures are yet to be confirmed but they are likely to run in to the 10’s of millions.
Hopewiser beat the competition to win the tender and become the preferred data cleansing partner. Hopewiser’s solution was more cost effective and utilising a Bureau service gives access to Hopewiser’s knowledgeable staff, data cleansing tools, data enrichment and suppressions without the expense of new software and staff training.